Maxwell’s Equations
See the geometrical beauty of Maxwell’s equations by deriving them from the action principle!
What is Plasma?
Learn about the criteria by which we define plasma, the 4th state of matter.
The Dielectric Permittivity
How do we deal with matter when solving Maxwell’s Equations? Why do the characteristics of light change in various media? Find out here!
What Is Light?
Learn the history of light detection on Earth, and about what light is in the first place.
The Boltzmann Equation
Ever wonder why clouds on earth resemble stellar nebulae that are lightyears across? Derive the equation that describes them both right here!
Basic Waves in Plasma
Learn the basics about how electromagnetic waves travel through plasma.
“What sort of material can afford us complete control over light propagation?“
– John D. Joannopoulos, Photonic Crystals (2008)
Topologically Protected Edge States
Learn the secret behind creating signals that are only allowed to travel in one direction no matter how tortuous the path!
Electromagnetic Simulations
Learn about how 100% free E&M simulation software written by MIT, Stanford, and Oregon State University scientists works under the hood.
Waves in Magnetized Plasma
How do electromagnetic waves interact with magnetized plasma? Find out here!
Electromagnetic Band Diagrams via the FDTD Method
Learn how to use open-source EM simulation software to calculate the allowed propagation modes for photonic crystals!
The Boltzmann (or Normal) Distribution
Learn how we can derive the Boltzmann distribution by maximizing entropy.